
Pangloss Publishers specializes in the publication of materials for learning foreign languages both practically and from a more culturally-oriented perspective. Most of our publications are oriented toward self-instruction. Our company has participated in and won several competitions, this resulting in being awarded the contracts to produce materials for such organizations as the Open Estonian Foundation, PHARE, the Foundation for Integration of Non-Estonians, the Latvian Department of Naturalization, the University of Copenhagen, Youth for Understanding, Nordic Press (the newspaper Vaba Eesti Sõna in New York), under the framework of European Commission Archimedes projects (Lingua 2), EACEA (LLP Key Activity 2) and others. Some of our projects have been adapted for radio and television, and have been broadcast by both state-owned and commercial radio and broadcasting in Estonia (Raadio 4, ETV, Channel 2, STV).

Pangloss has also organized various language courses.

Hello, Estonia! An audiovisual course in spoken Estonian
Здравствуй, Финляндия! Аудиовидео курс финского языка Tere, Soome! Soome keele audiovideo kursus
Again at home in Latvia! An audiovisual course of spoken Latvian
Walking around the city. Conversational Russian on video Прогулки по городу. Jalutuskäigud linnas
Vene projekt. Vene ärikeele audiovideokursus Russian business. Conversational Business Russian on video
Ты говоришь по-шведски? Аудиовидеокурс шведского языка. Kas sa räägid rootsi keelt? Rootsi keele audiovideo kursus.
"Hello, Estonia!" "HELLO, ESTONIA!" (TV version,10 episodes, 98 min) 1995 Audio: Estonian and russian The study course "Tere, Eestimaa!" is
"EESTI RAHVUSKALENDRI TÄHTPÄEVI" "ESTONIAN NATIONAL CALENDAR" 1997 (45 min) Audio: estonian   The video course „Eesti rahvakalendri tähtpäevi“ is intended
“ИНТИМНЫЙ ГОРОД” “INTIMATE TOWN” 2003 (55 min) Audio: russian Subtitles: english Tracking down Sergey Dovlatov’s “The Compromise” A documentary by
"EESTI KEEL JA MEEL" "ESTONIAN LANGUAGE AND MIND" 2006 (60 min) Audio: estonian This course is intended for self-study as

Translation agency – Translation services – Translating – Translations
Translation into estonian